Housing authorities play a crucial role in assisting low-income individuals and families, but there’s often…

The Hinesville Housing Authority and United Way of the Coastal Empire are partnering once again to make direct services more accessible in Liberty County. The partnership includes the relocation of the United Way Liberty County office to 301 Olive Street in Hinesville, which is a property owned by the Hinesville Housing Authority.
Hinesville Housing Authority’s primary responsibility is to ensure that affordable, market and senior housing options are available to residents in Liberty County while the United Way supports area nonprofits through its annual fund as well as provide direct services and connect volunteers with programs in Liberty County. The United Way currently provides meals and financial support for those in need of basic necessities such as food, utilities and housing.
“We are able to accomplish more by joining forces to address the service needs of the community starting with resources and housing,” said Melanie C. Thompson, CEO of the Hinesville Housing Authority. “We serve the same demographics so it is a perfect opportunity to work together.”
Kristin Hopkins-Graham, Area Director of United Way of the Coastal Empire, Liberty County, explained that the new location will increase visibility for the local office and allow the organization to be more accessible to the community for delivering services, accepting donations and reaching volunteers.
“Working closely with the Hinesville Housing Authority has been beneficial to us because Ms. Thompson and her staff work daily with some of our demographic so she helps us identify barriers, analyze situations and find the gaps here in Liberty County so we can potentially find solutions to fill them, ”Hokpins-Graham said.
Some of the recent challenges both organizations have seen its clients endure include rising costs of housing and lack of affordable housing options for the working class. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been an increase in requests for housing as well as services. With the eviction moratorium expired, the leaders expect to see an influx of requests.
The partnership was announced during Paint Liberty Blue Day on Oct. 11. This event is held to bring awareness to the services United Way provides to the community and to remind people of donation opportunities for the annual fund campaign which ends on Nov. 18, 2021. For more information on United Way of the Coastal Empire Liberty County, visit the new location or if you are in need of services, call 211. For more information on housing, visit www.hinesvillehousingauthority.org.
ABOUT HINESVILLE HOUSING AUTHORITY: The Hinesville Housing Authority (HHA) was created in 1959 by the City of Hinesville under the housing and development laws of the United States and Georgia. Its mission is to provide safe, affordable housing options that improve the quality of life for all residents of Liberty County, Ga. HHA has grown to include the Hineshouse Property Management & Maintenance Services, Hineshouse Properties and Hineshouse Development subsidiaries to expand its housing services. For more information, visit www.hinesvillehousingauthority.org.
ABOUT THE UNITED WAY OF THE COASTAL EMPIRE: The United Way of the Coastal Empire (UWCE) aims to create an impact by providing direct access and linking people with resources for safety, education, health, and financial stability. The United Way of the Coastal Empire serves all people in Bryan, Chatham, Liberty, and Effingham counties with a service center in each county that provides emergency assistance resources. UWCE is a volunteer-driven organization that involves community leaders in every aspect of its business, including fundraising, marketing, and grant decisions. For more information, visit https://uwce.org.
Hinesville Housing Authority CEO Melanie Thompson, United Way of the Coastal Empire Liberty County Area Director Kristin Hopkins-Graham, and Liberty County Assistant Area Director Kayce Masaniai celebrate Paint Liberty Blue Day at the new office location.
United Way of the Coastal Empire is now located at 301 Olive Street in Hinesville.