REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS #052022 due September 2, 2022 at 10 a.m.
The Housing Authority of the City of Hinesville (HHA) is seeking a company, firm, or consulting team to co-develop a Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) converted Public Housing development and new affordable housing as the first phase of the comprehensive development of HHA’s transitioned public housing inventory. This includes Developers of Workforce Multi-Family Housing, Private Activity Bonds, and 4% and/or 9% Low-Income Housing Tax Credits Projects.
Pre-Qualification is the process of determining if a contractor is qualified to perform contract work for the Hinesville Housing Authority. The firm’s work experience, financial status, and the verification of required licenses are considered. Pre-Qualification is not a condition of bidding, but it is a condition of contract award.
Non-Bonded vs. Bonded
A firm can be pre-qualified to perform bonded or non-bonded contract work. The non-bonded firm can only perform contract work up to $25,000.00. A bonded firm can perform work of any amount.
Pre-Qualification Process
Any firm, contractor and/or vendor seeking vendor and/or contractor status must first complete and submit an application packet with the necessary documentation as follows:
- Current Hinesville/Liberty County Georgia Business Privilege License
- Current Certificate of Insurances
- Financial Statements (last 3 years)
- Tax Returns (last 3 years)
- Previous Work History and References
- Request For Bid Information
- Complete and Signed Pre-Qualification Application
- Signed Authority’s Fraud Policy
- Non-Disclosure (Confidentiality) Agreement
Requests for Approval of Subcontractors
A prime contractor must request the approval of any subcontractors by completing a special form. The form contains general information about the subcontractor as well as the project name, location, and a brief description of the work to be performed by the subcontractor. The prime contractor is ultimately responsible for each subcontractor. It is also the prime contractor’s responsibility to ensure that the subcontractor has the following:
- Federal ID number
- Business tax account
- Current Hinesville/Liberty County Georgia Business privilege license
- Required licenses, certifications, and insurances — Must be current
The prime contractor is also responsible for informing the subcontractor of Wage Compliance Laws.
Contractor/Vendor Pre-Qualification
202 Darsey Road
Hinesville, GA 31313
(912) 622-1102
(912) 369-2009
Affirmative Action
The Affirmative Action Contract Compliance program promotes the development of certified Minority Business Enterprises (MBE) and certified Women Business Enterprises (WBE). This program maximizes the utilization of certified MBEs/WBEs in Hinesville Housing Authority contracts and subcontracts.
The aim of this program is to discover and deter discrimination by bidders who seek contracts with HHA. We use MBE/WBE Minimum Participation Goals (MPGs) as a screening device to determine whether discrimination may have occurred.
- MPGs of MBE/WBE participation will be indicated for each contract in the bid document and will be based on the availability of certified MBEs/WBEs.
- The MPGs are a means of determining whether or not a contractor shall be presumed to have engaged in discrimination.
- If the information furnished is below the MPGs, the bid package will face further review, based on the criteria set forth in this policy, to determine whether or not there was actual discrimination.
Affirmative Action
202 Darsey Road, Hinesville, GA 31313
(912) 622-1102
(912) 369-2009
Section 3 Requirements for Contractors (Construction and Non-Construction)
Although we are no longer mandated by Section 3, the guidelines are still observed as follows:
HHA is committed to providing quality housing and economic opportunities for our residents and the neighborhoods we serve. One of the major vehicles for this is Section 3 of the HUD Act of 1968, which requires that most contracts that will be paid using HUD funds include commitments to provide low-income individuals with a springboard for economic empowerment through direct participation in construction and most other activities funded by HUD. Section 3 requirements apply to all contract awards from public housing authorities, other than contracts for materials and supplies.
HUD considers public housing authorities to be in compliance with Section 3 if they and their contractors and subcontractors (for contracts other than for materials and supplies) meet the following minimum numerical goals for hiring and subcontracting:
A. Hiring Requirements
30% of the aggregate number of any new hires for purposes of fulfilling any covered contract with Hinesville Housing Authority shall be Section 3 qualified individuals.
B. Subcontracting Requirements
- Construction-type contracts: 10% of the total dollar amount of all covered construction contracts shall be awarded to Section 3 business concerns; and
- Non-construction contracts: 3% of the total dollar amount of all covered non-construction contracts shall be awarded to Section 3 business concerns.
C. If A. and B. Are Demonstrably Not Feasible
If a contractor or subcontractor can demonstrate that with respect to any contract subject to Section 3, it has no need or plan to subcontract or hire, or that it has attempted, to the maximum extent feasible, to meet Section 3 hiring and subcontracting goals, but has been unable to meet those goals, the contractor may substitute other economic opportunities.
Section 3 Compliance Reporting System
Contractors and vendors that have contracts with HHA are required to file Section 3 compliance reports on a quarterly basis throughout the calendar year. If there are any questions, please contact Melanie Thompson:
(912) 622-1102
(912) 876-369-2009
Should you have any questions, please contact:
Melanie Thompson, CEO at (912) 622-1102.
Section 3 2022 Quarterly Report Schedule